(808) 956-7657


‘Ohana Scholarship

Available for Fall & Spring Semesters

‘Ohana Scholarships are available for all members of the UH Band Program, regardless of major, no audition necessary.


  • New and returning students, residents and non-residents, any major
  • Required to be registered for the UH Rainbow Warrior Marching Band (MUS419D) in the fall and assigned concert band in the spring
  • Fall: Awarded for participation in the Rainbow Warrior Marching Band, Pep Band
  • Spring: Awarded for participation in the Pep Band, Concert Band

No Audition required for this tuition scholarship. Amounts vary by year, and increase each year a student is in band.

Kūleʻa Scholarship

2025 Scholarship Auditions Date:  Saturday, February 15, 2025 (or via video)


Kūleʻa Scholarships are limited and awarded for excellence in music and performance in Chamber Groups, Wind Ensemble and Marching Band. Auditions are accepted from all UH Manoa Students, regardless of major. Scholarship audition date: Saturday, February 15th, 2025.


  • New and returning undergraduate and graduate UH Manoa students
  • Excellence in wind, brass, percussion, or color guard

Chamber Groups Details

  • MUS 231x Applied Lessons enrollment
  • MUS 410F Chamber Music Ensemble enrollment in the fall and spring
  • MUS 419B UH Wind Ensemble enrollment in the fall and spring
  • Perform regularly on and off campus with the UH Bands Chamber Groups
  • Tuition scholarship of $2,500 per semester, or $5,000 per year
  • Regular coaching with UH Music Faculty and visiting artists
  • Performance opportunities on and off campus

Wind and Chamber Groups Audition Requirements

  • Major scales over the full range of the instrument
  • Two etudes or repertoire works of contrasting styles to demonstrate technical ability and musicianship. Typically fast-technical and slow-lyrical

Marching Band Audition Requirements

  • Musicians – performance of scales and appropriate etude or solo
  • Color Guard – video of a solo color guard routine of at least 90 seconds
    NOTE: The color guard routine is only for the Kūleʻa Scholarship, there is no audition to join the UHCG.

The Richard S. Lum Scholarship

for Leadership

Due March 1, every year

The legendary Director of Bands, Richard S. Lum was well-known for instilling the culture of ‘ohana (family) to the students. To continue his legacy, this new scholarship was created to support UH Manoa student Band members within the College of Arts & Humanities.


  • Full-time undergraduate or graduate student
  • Active UH Bands member in good standing
  • Demonstrated service to UH Bands including but not limited to the number of years in UH Bands, participation in ensembles, and exhibiting leadership in Band, etc.

The Richard S. Lum Scholarship funds will be awarded annually to eligible students to be used for costs associated with UH attendance such as tuition, books, and fees. To apply, visit the UH Music Department link in the button below.

Richard S. Lum Scholarship Recipients


Kaley Dang & Lucas Toor


Jamie Mazurski


Dane Pinell


Jake Yoshimura

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