(808) 956-7657

High School Virtual Honor Band

The 2024-2025 Student Concerto Competition is open to all UH current students enrolled in private study. The competition will take place in January 2025, and winners will perform with the UH Wind Ensemble on our Aloha Concert scheduled for Sunday, April 30, 2025.


Application Deadline: Friday, November 22, 2024

Concerto Auditions: Thursday, January 16, 2025

Concerto Performance: Sunday, May 4, 2025

  • Must be a currently enrolled UH student at the time of both audition and performance

  • Must be currently enrolled in private lessons with a UH faculty member

  • Works should be for solo voice/instruments with published wind band/ chamber winds accompaniment

  • for concertos, single movements are acceptable / encouraged

  • time length – no more than ten (10) minutes

  • An audition accompanist is required

Apply Now!

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